Questions and Answers

Here in the Q&A we will respond to questions that might have application to the caregiving community, both family and institutional.  We will start off with the “Why”…

Q: Why are you trying to integrate Montessori with Dementia Care?

A: (from Lyle) When my father was diagnosed with Alzheimers, there were some very difficult times. After one major incident, I returned home and thought about what I would say to someone coming to me with news that their parent had just been diagnosed. That was the start of my work with the dementia caregiving community. Many years later, I continue to be contacted by old friends now confronting dementia in their parents and, in some cases, for themselves or their spouses.

Seeing Montessori in action at the school my wife (Riza) founded, and examining its insights, we, along with our Montessori educator collaborator (Greg) felt that it was critical to bring together the insights of Montessori with the actual experience of family caregiving, the 24/7 on call life of a primary caregiver.  We believe it will prove helpful on a kitchen sink, day-to-day level.

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